Published in: Holistic Approach Environ. 5(2015) 1, pp. 17 – 34
Paper reference number: HAE-90
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Kasandra-Zorica Ivanić*, Zoran Tadić**, Mislav Ante Omazić***

* Conservation Officer, World Wildlife Found Adria (WWF Mediterranean Program), Zagreb, Croatia

** Department of Animal Physiology, Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

*** Department of Organization and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia



Biomimicry implies the creative implementation of biological concepts into products. This paper provides a broad overview of the field of biomimicry, and has described the conversion of physiological and organizational solutions from nature into products and services. Implementation and economic efficiency is shown through selected examples. Four examples of successful implementation of nature solutions are the following: Velcro, lotus-effect, structural coloration and tubercles on the fins of the humpback whales. In this work, we analysed the reductive approach to biomimicry which strictly focuses on mimicking few characteristics or functions of particular organisms or biological processes but does not necessarily create sustainable environment through the imitation of nature. Biomimicry is one of the most promising research areas that could transform the way products and services are designed, manufactured, transported and distributed. This could represent a major turning point in the 21 century, by linking environmental and business interests.

Keywords: biomimicry, innovation management, design, Velcro, lotus-effect, structural coloration, tubercles