Professional paper
Published in: Holistic Approach Environ. 4(2014) 1, pp. 47 – 53
Paper reference number: HAE-61
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Leona Šimková*, Peter Križan**
* CZ Biom – Czech Biomass Association, Prague, Czech Republic
** SjF STU Bratislava, Slovakia
Preparation for re-use is a new goal of the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) and preferred treatment of Waste Management in EU. Re-using goods is a verifiably better way of reducing waste than simply recycling it. Nowadays only about 1 % of waste generated in Europe is being re-used, while the potential is up to 10 %. The aim of this paper is to present the statistics and examples that prove the potential is manageable. The importance of re-use lies in its environmental, economic and also social contribution. Nowadays, re-using goods in Central Europe is supported via CERREC project – “Central Europe Repair & Re-use Centres and Networks” from Central Europe Programme, that shows the experts, authorities and citizens how re-use can help to save natural resources, increase employment and create new product market.
Keywords: re-use, repair, waste, CERREC