Professional paper
Published in: Holistic Approach Environ. 2(2012) 4, pp. 173 – 182
Paper reference number: HAE-31
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Marián Lázár*, Marta Lengyelová*, Peter Kurilla**
* Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Košice, Slovakia
** SAFINA, a. s., Plasma Process & Technology, Jesenice, Czech Republic
Gasification of solid and low quality fuel from the economic point is not a new idea or a new technology. Industrial applications for the production of energo gas from coal dates back to the beginning of the nineteenth century, whilst the construction of several large industrial plants for producing the electricity from coal and heavy oil fractions have been launched in the United States and Europe in the last 40 years. The aim of this contribution is to verify the assessment of utilizable synthesis gas at high-temperature thermal treatment of the selected fuel commodity in terms of the energy recovery system in the cogeneration unit. An experiment was performed in 80 kVA plasma reactor with a dependent electric arc and hollow graphite electrode where the nitrogen N2 was used to generate plasma arc.
Keywords: plasma gasification, peat mass, synthesis gas