Original scientific paper
Published in: Holistic Approach Environ. 10(2020) 4, pp. 88 – 99
Paper reference number: HAE-1931
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Eticha Abebe Abera*, Ahmed Endris Mossa**

* Action Aid Ethiopia, Seba Boru Woreda, Gujii Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

** Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia



Understanding the major causes of food insecurity is important for interventions aiming at minimizing food insecurity. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess the status of food insecurity of pastoral and agro-pastoral households of Seba Boru Woreda Guji Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. In order to achieve these objectives, 112 respondents’ agro pastoralists were selected from 2 kebeles (the smallest administrative unit). To this end, both probabilities (stratified, systematic and random) and non-probability (purposive) sampling techniques were employed. Primary and secondary data were collected from various sources. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics like mean standard deviation, percentage and frequency distributions. Univariate analysis such as t-test and chi-square (χ2) were also used to describe the characteristics of food secured and food insecure groups. The survey result shows that about 60 (53.7 %) of sample respondents were food insecure while only 52 (46.3 %) were food secure. As per a binary logistic model regression, four variables such as family size, land, income, and extension service were significant at 10 % probability levels. Finally, limiting population size through integrated health and education service, intensification of agriculture through extension service by strengthening PTC (pastoral training center), are some to recommend to curb food insecurity in the area.

Keywords: food insecurity, pastoral and agro-pastoral household, Ethiopia
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