Aims and Scope
The journal “The Holistic Approach to Environment” (ISSN 1848-0071; UDC 5+6+17=111) is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original scientific papers, preliminary notes, professional papers, review papers, reports from scientific conferences and other contributions and announcements from various fields of scientific research related to the responsible and ethical use of natural resources and human knowledge. The journal is interdisciplinary and presents current scientific, technological, theoretical and practical insights and achievements in the field of air, soil and water protection, waste management, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, the impact of hazardous substances on humans, flora and fauna, and integrative bioethics.
“The Holistic Approach to Environment” deals with exploring possibilities and developing the models of benevolent co-existence of all beings on Earth. It does not deal solely with one segment of environment, but it sees the life on the planet as a whole. It promote benevolent co-existence of all beings on Earth taking the perspective of certain sciences, e.g. ecology, chemistry, chemical technology, biology, zoology, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, philosophy, integrative bioethics, etc. and finding the solutions to the actual environmental issues of today.
The publisher of the journal “The Holistic Approach to Environment” is the “Association for Promotion of Holistic Approach to Environment” from Sisak, Republic of Croatia. The Association is registered in Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia.
“The Holistic Approach to Environment” is published quarterly.
Journal abbreviation is: Holistic Approach Environ.
Papers should be submitted to the following e-mail:
Journal „The Hollistic Approach to Environment“ is indexed in: Scopus, Chemical Abstracts, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Sherpa Romeo, EBSCO – Environment Complete, EBSCO – Central & Eastern European Academic Source, CAB Abstracts, Global Health database, InfoBase Index, ProQuest Natural Sciences Journals, ProQuest Environmental Sciences Journals, ProQuest Illustrata: Natural Sciences, Prorch, Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste AS (Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)), AE Global Indeks, Hrčak – Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals, Croatian Web Archive – National and University Library in Zagreb, Google Scholar.
Journal “The Holistic Approach to the Environment” is included in the UGC-CARE list (India).
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